1. Basics Topics
    1. Datatypes
    2. If else
    3. for loop
    4. while loop
    5. functions
    6. input and output
    7. operators
  2. Algorithms
    1. Sorting
    2. Searching
    3. Brute Force
    4. Recursive
    5. BackTracking
    6. Dynamic programming
    7. Greedy
    8. Hashing
    9. Divide and conquer
  3. Data Structures
    1. Strings
    2. List
    3. Tuple
    4. Dictionary
    5. Set
  4. Intermediate Data Structure
    1. Stack
    2. Queue
    3. Linked List
    4. Heap
    5. Trees
    6. Graphs
    7. Hashing
    8. Matrix
  5. Advanced Data Structure
    1. Trie
    2. Segment Tree
    3. Set
  6. Intermediate Python Topics
    1. CLI
    2. Keyword Arguments
    3. iterators
    4. lambda function
    5. Classes and objects
    6. __init__
  7. Object Oriented Programming
    1. Inheritance
    2. Polymorphism
    3. Abstraction
    4. Encapsulation
    5. Constructors and destructures
    6. Overloading
    7. Overriding
  8. Advanced Python Topics
    1. File Handling
    2. Meta Class
    3. Decorators
    4. Exception handling
    5. Collections
    6. Generator
    7. itertools
    8. magic methods
    9. Regular Expression
    10. Threading
  9. Testing
    1. Pytest
  10. Other Libraries
    1. os
    2. urllib
    3. requests


  1. Installation
  2. Basics
  3. Variables, comments, operators, user defined Datatypes
  4. Basic DS
  5. Control Flow, Loops, Functions
  6. Positionalm Formal, Actual Arguments
  7. keywords and default arguments
  8. Variable length arguments
